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Fran of Scow Bay

Another friend from the Writers Club was Fran, a poetess. Her “wit ambles well, it goes easily.”  She sported short, white, permed hair, sort of flat on top, but cuter than that sounds. She wore a mischievous expression and a twinkle in her eyes.   When I first visited her...

Is You Is? Or Is You A’int?

That should have been the title of her auto biography; “Is You Is? Or Is You A’int?”.  We probably suggested that several times.  The Writers Club reviewed every portion if it several times including the pornographic portions!  She and her family fished all over Southeast Alaska.  Either living aboard a...

Harry Townsman of Kupreanof Island, AK

  Back in the day and across the way unKupreanof lived retired school teacher, we will call Harry.  Kupreanof then as now, is a grant-grabbing berg, a slip of a village.  That upon incorporation outlawed motorized vehicles no the public thoroughfares. Then they outlawed public thoroughfares .   Harry was the...

The Parade - A Highlight of Petersburg, AK

  Others participated in the Parade of Lights.  Others joined the crowd whose faces turned ghostly green lit by the glow sticks in their hand.  They hymned their way down PFI Hill and joined the throng around the community Christmas tree like so many Whos in Who-ville.  But I was...

A Booming Downtown Petersburg, AK

Coming from the south on Mitkof Highway you pass over one of the two bridges that span Hammer Slough and enter downtown Petersburg.  The road is named Nordic Drive by now.  Downtown ends a few civilized blocks further north as Nordic rises up Five Sisters Hill. Most major holidays you...

Blind River Rapids

The wide, rocky, shallow rapids lies at the end of a long estuary far from the green waters of the Wrangell Narrows.  The wandering channel traversing the wide mud-flats there.  Above the rapids lie the long still black pools of the Blind  River. The Swan Observatory allows  for the viewing...

When Visitors Come to a Remote Alaskan Island

Imagine, if you will, a California beach boy.  His wavy blond hair back lit by the summer sun.  (Well, actually May doesn’t count as summer as our story begins in Southeast Alaska. The seasonal cannery workers may have arrived but the sun still lies low on the Southern horizon.)  His...

Where Houses are Built on Pilings Instead of Foundation - Ensuring Your Home Does NOT SINK

“What?” Her husband asked incredulously. “No, no.” she exclaimed. “We don’t have foundations here.  Houses are built on creosote piling like the docks.”  That too got a “What?”  Her husband was a “Coastie” from down south.  She marveled at the wooden archway between the carpeted living room and dining room...