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64 Days of Rain. Welcome to Southeast Alaska

Sixty-Four Days of Rain


When I first moved to Petersburg, Alaska it rained everyday (at least part of it) for sixty-four days straight. The first week, my dog spent the day in the truck because she wasn’t use to the house yet. So, after work I took her for a walk before heading home. This particular day it was pouring so hard you could not see 10 feet in front of you.  Out in the downpour I heard some strange noise like the roar from a crowd.  My dog found a boardwalk; a raised wooden foot-path in swamp (We call it muskeg.) that surrounds the town.  The boardwalk seemed to wander across the muskeg towards the occasional roar.  But I wasn’t sure due to the heavy downpour.

Finally, we wandered into view of a bleacher full of people in raingear.  It was a little league game on a gravel field.

We walked over to the dugout for some shelter from the rain.  I saw and heard a young boy say;

“Coach, do I have to wear a coat?”

His white uniform was so drenched I could see his underwear.

Welcome to Petersburg!


Author – William Moulton